

  1. The following table shows distribution of workforce in India for the year 1972-73. Analyse it and give reasons for the nature of workforce distribution. You will notice that the data is pertaining to the situation in India 30 years ago.
  2. Find the odd man out

    (i) rickshaw puller who works under a rickshaw owner

    (ii) mason

    (iii) mechanic shop worker

    (iv) shoeshine boy.
  3. Meena is a housewife. Besides taking care of household chores, she works in the cloth shop which is owned and operated by her husband. Can she be considered as a worker? Why?
  4. Compared to urban women, more rural women are found working. Why?
  5. Raj is going to school. When he is not in school, you will find him working in his farm. Can you consider him as a worker? Why?
  6. An establishment with four hired workers is known as ______ (formal/informal) sector establishment.
  7. The newly emerging jobs are found mostly in the ______ sector (service/manufacturing).
  8. Find the odd man out

    (i) owner of a saloon with more than 10 employees

    (ii) a cobbler

    (iii) a cashier in Mother Dairy

    (iv) a tuition master

    (v) transport operator

    (vi) construction worker.
  9. Are the following workers — a beggar, a thief, a smuggler, a gambler? Why?
  10. Define worker-population ratio.
  1. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.
  2. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.
  3. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.
  4. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.
  5. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.
  6. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.
  7. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.