Class 12 > English


Question 12. Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words(iii) George Eliot has portrayed Godfrey as a morally weak character. Comment.


Godfrey Cass is a character who does not display and developmental arch till the end of the story. He is a coward without any moral fortitude though he was not an evil person. He does not desire to harm anyone but gets co-opted into certain schemes. He does not like to shoulder responsibility or account for his actions and prefers to avoid conflicts. Eliot does not offer much insight into his character, his early marriage fell apart but we are made to believe that it was not his fault; he cares for Eppie, but he does not work on it. He is an unsettled man, afraid of taking tough decisions and letting others take charge of his life and actions. The weakness and ineptitude of his character are given as a reason for his failure to act upon his good intentions. Godfrey's self-realization towards the end does not bring closure to the events in the novel, he still fails to do his duty for his daughter.

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