Read the passage given below:<br>People tend to amass possessions, sometimes without being aware of doing so. They can have a delightful surprise when they find something useful that they did not know they owned. Those who never have to change houses become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter. They leave unwanted objects in drawers, cupboards and attics for years in the belief that they may one day need them. Old people also accumulate belongings for two other reasons, lack of physical and mental energy, and sentiment. Things owned for a long time are full of associations with the past, perhaps with the relatives who are dead, and so they gradually acquire a sentimental valu


(a) Collecting-A Hobby
1. Reasons
(i) Ppl can have delightful surprises
(ii) Become indiscriminate collectors
(iii) Senti values
(iv) Mania
2. Advantages
(i) Avoid wastage
(ii) Saver money
(iii) Educational values
(iv) Relaxation
(v) Doesn’t have to go out for amusement
3. Other benefits
(i) One may meet like-minded collectors
(ii) Frnd circle grows
(iii) Hbby leads to travelling

Abbreviations Used
sentimenta l

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