How did the European countries resolve their post-Second World War problem? Briefly outline the attempts that led to the formation of the European Union.


As a result of Second World War, European countries comfronted the problems of ruin of their economies and the destruction of the assumptions and structures on which Europe had been founded. The burning question was whether the European countries be allowed to revert to its old rivalries or be reconstructed on the principles and institutions that would contribute to a positive conception of international relations. In those problems, Cold War played an important role in the integration of Europe. Thus, the following attempts led to the formation of the European Union in 1992.
1. Marshall Plan : Under this plan, America extended massive financial help for reviving Europe’s economy.

2. NATO : America created NATO as a new collective security structure.

3. OEEC : Under Marshall Plan, the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation was established in 1948 to channel aid to the West European states. It encouraged cooperation on trade and economic issues.

4. Council of Europe : It was established in 1949 for political cooperation.

5. European Economic Community. It was formed in 1957.

6. European Parliament : Economic integration took political dimension in the form of European Parliament.

7. European Union : The disintegration of Soviet Union in 1991 led to formation of European Union in 1992. Its aim was to have a common foreign and security policy, cooperation on justice and home affairs, and the creation of a single currency.

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