“Reforming the UN means restructuring of the Security Council”. Do you agree with this statement? Give arguments for or against this position.


Yes, we agree with the statement since the Security Council is vital to the UN's operation. Due to the collapse of the USSR and the admission of numerous new nations to the UN, power dynamics have changed in the current situation:
1. The permanent members of the UN have been given a special position to bring stability to the entire world. No one is permitted to enter and the situation is unchanged.
2. Aside from permanent members, who have the right to veto nominations for important positions.
3. The category of permanent members is made up of industrialised developed nations; this should be balanced by increasing the representation of developing nations as permanent or non-permanent members.
4. As a result, the Security Council should restructure and enhance its operations to increase the UN's effectiveness, i.e., member state inclusion should be evaluated based on contribution to peacekeeping projects.

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