What were the major differences in the approach towards development at the time of Independence? Has the debate been resolved?


At the time of independence, development was about becoming more like the industrialised countries of the West, to be involved with the break down of traditional social structure as well as rise of capitalism and liberalism.
1. Modernisation referred to growth, material progress and scientific rationality.
2. India had two models of modern development at the time of independence into considerations to be adopted i.e. the liberal capitalist model like Europe and the US and the socialist model like the USSR.
3. A debate had been occurred regarding adoption of model of development as communists, socialists and Pt.
J.L. Nehru supported the socialist model to reflect a broad consensus to be developed during national movement.
4. Above mentioned intentions cleared that the government made the priority to poverty alleviation alongwith social and economic redistribution.
5. At the same time, these leaders differed and debated:
(a) Industrialisation should be the preferred path or
(b) Agricultural development should take place or
(c) Rural poverty should be alleviated.

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