Class 12 > PYQ PHYSICS > 2020 > Set 3


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Write shortcomings of Rutherford atomic model.Explain how these were overcome by the postulates of Bohr's atomic model.

The figure shows the stopping potential (Vo) for the photoelectron versus (1/λ) graph for two metals A and B, λ being the wavelength of incident light.

(a)How is the value of Planck's constant determined from the graph?
(b)If the distance between the light source and the surface of metal A is increased,how will the stopping potential for the electrons emitted from it be affected?Justify.

Light from sodium lamp (S) passes through two polaroid sheets P₁ and P₂ as shown. What will be the effect on the intensity of light transmitted by (a)by P₁ and (b)by P₂ on rotating polaroid P₁ about the direction of propagation of light?Justify your answer in both cases.

Define the term wavefront of light.A plane wavefront AB propagating from denser medium (1) into a rarer medium (2) is incident on the surface P₁P₂ separating the two media as shown.
Using Huygens' principle draw the secondary wavelets and obtain the refracted wavefront in the diagram.<br&g

In a single slit diffraction experiment the width of the slit is decreased.How will the (a)size and (b)and intensity of the central bright band be affected?Justify.

Gamma rays and radiowaves travel with same velocity in free space.Distinguish between them in terms of their origin and the main application.

(a)Define the term half-life of a radioactive substance.
(b)The half-life of ²³⁸₉₂U undergoing alpha decay is 4.5 x 10⁹ years. Calculate the activity of 5g sample of ²³⁸₉₂U.

Explain the formation of potential barrier and depletion region in a p-n junction diode.What is effect of applying forward bias on the width of depletion region?
What is photodiode?Briefly explain its working and draw its V-I characteristics.