Class 12 > PYQ PHYSICS > 2015 > Set 1


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With what considerations in view, a photodiode is fabricated? State its working with the help of a suitable diagram.
Eventhough the current in the forward bias is known to be more than in the reverse bias, yet the photodiode works in reverse bias. What is the reason?

Draw a circuit diagram of a transistor amplifier in CE configurations.
Define the terms: (i) Input resistance and (ii) Current amplification factor. How are these determined using typical input and output characteristics?

Answer the following questions:
(a) In a double slit experiment using light of wavelength 600nm, the angular width of the fringe formed on a distant screen is 0.1°. Find the sapcing between the two slits.
(b) Light of wavelength 5000Å, propagating in air gets partly reflected from the surface of water. How will the wavelength and frequencies of the reflected and refracted light be affected?

(a) State Ampere's circuital law. Use this law to obtain the expression for the magnetic field inside an air cored toroid of average radius 'r' having 'n' turns per unit length and carrying a steady current I.
(b) An observer to the left of a solenoid of N turns each of cross section area 'A' observes that a steady current I in it flows in the clockwise direction. Depict the magnetic field lines due to the solenoid specifying its polarity and show that it acts as a bar magnet of magnetic moment m = NIA

(a) Define mutual induactance and write its S.I. unit.

(b) In an experiment, two coils c₁ and c₂ are placed close to each other. Find out the expression for the emf induced in the coil c₁ due to change in the current through the coil c₂.

(a) Using Huygen's construction of secondary wavelets explain how a diffraction pattern is obtained on a screen due to a narrow slit on which a monochromatic beam of light is incident normallly.
(b) Show that the angular width of the first diffraction fringe is half that of the central fringe.
(c) Explain why the maxima at 𝜃 = (n+1/2)λ/a become waeker and weaker with increasing n.
