The Government of Bolivia gave control of municipal water supply to an MNC. The MNC increased the water supply rates/prices four times, which led to serious agitation, known as ‘Bolivia Water War’.
Democratic Government is known as a legitimate government if the government fulfills the following requirements:
1.Democracy produces a government that follows and is accountable to the people.
2.It provides a mechanism for citizens to hold the government accountable and allows citizens to take part in decision-making whenever they think fit.
3.If any citizen wanted to measure democracy on the basis of the expected outcome, they would look for the following practices and institutions—viz; regular free and fair election, open public debate on major policies.
Lenders ask for collateral while lending to borrowers because:
1.Lenders demand collateral (security) against loans. Collateral is an asset that the borrower owns (such as land, building, vehicles, livestock, deposits with a bank)
2.Lenders use the collateral as a guarantee until the loan (with interest if applicable) is repaid.
3.If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the lender has the right to sell the asset or collateral to obtain repayment.
1.Lack of internal democracy: ordinary members do not get sufficient information about what it going on within the party. The leader has greater power and tends to rule the party.
2.Dynastic succession: Generally, members of a family tend to rule the party. Eg: Nehru (Gandhi) family rule the congress party.
3.Money and muscle power: As parties are only interested in winning power they nominate those candidates who have or can raise a lot of money such as Rich people, businessmen, and criminals.
4.They do not offer a meaningful choice to the voters as many parties are different in their policies and ideologies. Sometimes, people cannot even elect different leaders as the same set of leaders keep changing their parties.
5.Casteism and religion in politics by parties: When one religion is pitted against another, by the political parties, this is called communalism or communal politics. Some parties or politicians promote the cause of the majority religious group at the cost of minorities. This produces a dangerous trend of majority tyranny.