All the major European states were invited in Berlin Conference in 1885. The conference was organised by Otto Von Bismarck, first Chancellor of Germany. The European powers met to decide the carving up of Africa among them. The states were » Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, France and Great Britain. No African was invited to this conference.
In seventeenth and eighteenth century merchants from the towns in Europe began to move country side, supplying money to peasants and artisans persuading them to produce for an international market.
The Roman Catholic Church imposed control over publishers and booksellers because printed religious literature started writing about God and his creation in different ways. They were afraid of the impacts of books on people’s mind.
The novels use the vernacular language, the language spoken by common people so that they can could feel sense of a shared world and belongingness. First such writer was Thomas Hardy.
Resources classification on the basis of origin: (i) Biotic resources: All living organisms in our environment are known as biotic resources. Example: Tree, animal, insects etc.
(ii) Abiotic resources: All non-living things present in our environment are known as abiotic resources. Example: earth, air, water, metals, rocks etc.
A challenge is not a hurdle in the way of our success rather it’s an opportunity for progress. Challenges always force us to prove our worth in a positive way. Different countries face different kinds of challenges: Foundational challenge Challenge of expansion Deepening of democracy Once we overcome a challenge, we automatically go to a higher level than before.