Class 12 > PYQ PHYSICS > 2013 > Set 1


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A convex lens of focal length 25 cm is placed coaxially in contact with a concave lens of focal length 20 cm. Determine the power of the combination. Will the system be converging or diverging in nature?

An ammeter of resistance 0.80Ω can measure current upto 1.0 A.
(i) What must be the value of shunt resistance to enable the ammeter to measure current upto 5.0 A?
(ii) What is the combined resistance of the ammeter and the shunt?

In the given circuit diagram, a voltameter 'V' is connected across a la,p 'L'. How would (i) the brightness of the lamp and (ii) voltmeter reading 'V' be affected, if the value of resistance 'R' is decreased? Justify your answer.

Block diagram of a receiver is shown in the figure:

(a) Identify 'X' and 'Y'.
(b) Write their functions.

Expalin with the help of a circuit diagram, the working of a photo-diode. Write briefly how it is used to detect the optical signals.

Mention the important considerations required while fabricating a p-n junction diode to be used as a Light Emitting Diode(LED). What should be the order of band gap of an LED if it is required to emit light in the visible range?

Acapacitor of unknown capacitance is connected across battery of V volts. The charge stored in it is 360 𝜇C. When potential across the capacitor is reduced by 120 V, the charge stored in it becomes 120 𝜇C.
(i) The potential V and the unknown capacitance C.
(ii) What will be the charge stored in the capacitor, if the voltage applied had increased by 120V?

A hollow cylindrical box of length 1m and area of cross-section 25 cm² is placed in a three dimensional coordinate system as shown in the figure. The electric field in the region is given by E(vector) = 50 xi(cap), where E is in NC⁻¹ and x is in meters. Find
(i) Net flux through the cylinder.
(ii) Charge enclosed by the cylinder.