

  1. Q331 What happens to the food in small intestine?
  2. Q332 How does diaphragm help in inhalation?
  3. Q334 What are the two main types of reflexes? Give one example for each.
  4. Q335 Veins and arteries carry blood. Which of these carry blood away from the heart?
  5. Q336 Why is a basic substance used to treat a honey-bee sting?
  6. Q337 Name one electrovalent compounds in which one atom combines with one other atom
  7. Q338 What will be the current drawn by an electric bulb of 40 W when it is connected to a source of 220V?
  8. Q339 What happens after we throw away the waste ?
  9. Q340 Why are the traffic light signals (or danger signals) of red colour?